Nineteenth-Century French Studies 47.1–2 (Fall–Winter 2018–19)
Nineteenth-Century French Studies 47.1–2 (Fall–Winter 2018–19)

The Editorial Board of Nineteenth-Century French Studies is pleased to announce the publication of volume 47 numbers 1–2 (Fall–Winter 2018–19). In addition to a dialogue between Corry Cropper and Graham Harman about object-oriented ontology (OOO) and the Fantastic, the issue includes a range of articles and reviews that highlight the breadth of the discipline: from archives, infatuation, political engagement and blank spaces to religion, imperialism, blindness, translation, and misfits. As such, it continues the journal’s longstanding tradition of covering the full range of studies of nineteenth-century French literature and related fields. A full table of contents is below and also online at All of the journal’s book reviews from this volume are accessible online and without subscription. In addition, the web site offers complete archives of the journal’s publications since it began in 1972: table of contents from every issue, abstracts of all of the articles, and all of the book reviews published online. Finally, the web site also provides complete information about all aspects of the journal’s activities. Bonne lecture et bonne visite,
Corry Cropper and Graham Harman
Reader, Response, Theory: The Nineteenth-Century Fantastic as a Counter-Enlightenment Mode
Jacob Lachat
Chateaubriand ou la polysémie des archives
Lucien Derainne
L’Observation, la mémoire et le prix de l’expérience dans La Comédie humaine
Rebecca Sugden
Terre(ur): Reading the Landscape of Conspiracy in Balzac’s Une ténébreuse affaire
Dane Stalcup
Poetic Jolts, Autobiographical Infatuations: The Origins of Hector Berlioz’s Les Troyens
Gilles Castagnès
Les Limites de l’engagement politique et social des premiers réalistes (1849–1857)
Helen Abbott
Poetry on Stage: Baudelaire’s Theater Voices
Margot Szarke
Copies and Perceptions: Human Expression in Duchenne and Zola
Claire Chi-ah Lyu
Blank Space and Affect: Reading Mallarmé through Balzac and Blanchot
N.B. In agreeing to publish a review with Nineteenth-Century French Studies, authors retain the copyright to their review and give Nineteenth-Century French Studies the right to first publication of that review. (effective September 2014)
Auraix-Jonchière, Pascale, et al. Voix poétiques et mythes féminins
Mary Rice-DeFosse
Auraix-Jonchière, Pascale. George Sand et la fabrique des contes
Ying Wang
Châtel, Laurent. William Beckford: The Elusive Orientalist
Pamela Genova
Bara, Olivier. Théâtres et Peuple: de Louis-Sébastien Mercier à Firmin Gémier
Theresa Varney Kennedy
Philipon, Charles. La Caricature, 1830–1835: Lithographies complètes. An Illustrated Catalogue Raisonné of the Lithographs
Richard Wrigley
O’Neil-Henry, Anne. Mastering the Marketplace: Popular Literature in Nineteenth-Century France
Adam Cutchin
Becker, Colette et Pierre-Jean Dufief, éditeurs. Dictionnaire des naturalismes
Christophe Ippolito
Goutaland, Carine. De régals en dégoûts: le naturalisme à table
Roderick Cooke
Giraud, Frédérique. Émile Zola, le déclassement et la lutte des places. Les Rougon-Macquart, condensation littéraire d’un désir d’ascension sociale
Kathryn F. De Waele
Arjona, Encarnación Medina, editor. Germinal, la mine et les arts
Shiloh J. Stone
Reverzy, Eléonore, and Nicolas Bourguinat, editors. Les Goncourt historiens
Pamela A. Genova
Pasco, Allan H. Balzac, Literary Sociologist
Scott Sprenger
Ashley, Susan A. “Misfits” in Fin-de-Siècle France and Italy: Anatomies of Difference
Courtney Roberts
Powers, Scott M. Confronting Evil: The Psychology of Secularization in Modern French Literature
Irina Armianu
Offen, Karen. Debating the Woman Question in the French Third Republic, 1870–1920
Hope Christiansen
Glatigny, Sandra, editor. Flaubert dans la ville: images et textes
Kate M. Bonin
Roos Rosa de Carvalho, Fleur. Prints in Paris 1900: From Elite to the Street
Sean DeLouche
Madeline, Laurence, et al. Women Artists in Paris, 1850–1900
Margot Irvine and Anna Sutton
Shackelford, George, et al. Monet: The Early Years
Kristan M. Hanson
Stephens, Sonya, editor. Translation and the Arts in Modern France
E. Nicole Meyer
Edgington, Erin E. Fashioned Texts and Painted Books: Nineteenth-Century French Fan Poetry
Susan Hiner
Abbott, Helen. Baudelaire in Song, 1880–1930
Anthony Zielonka
Dessy, Clément. Les Écrivains et les Nabis. La Littérature au défi de la peinture
Liliane Ehrhart
Thompson, Hannah. Reviewing Blindness in French Fiction, 1789–2013
Sherri Rose
Girardin, Delphine de. Balzac’s Cane. Translated by Marta L. Wilkinson
Noëlle Brown
Krueger, Cheryl, editor. Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire’s Prose Poems
Neal Allar
Vanoosthuyse, François. Histoire d’un jeune homme. Une lecture de L’Éducation sentimentale
Éric Le Calvez
Mozet, Nicole. Honoré de Balzac, L’Hommoeuvre
France Lemoine
Atkinson, Juliette. French Novels and the Victorians
Warren Johnson
Lewis, Philippa. Intimacy and Distance: Conflicting Cultures in Nineteenth-Century France
Laurence M. Porter
Lasc, Anca I., editor. Visualizing the Nineteenth-Century Home: Modern Art and the Decorative Impulse
Dane Stalcup
Vitoux, Frédéric. L’Express de Bénarès: à la recherche d’Henry J.-M. Levet
Kirby Olson
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Julien Schuh (18 septembre 2018). Nineteenth-Century French Studies 47.1–2 (Fall–Winter 2018–19). Société des études romantiques et dix-neuviémistes. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse